The Tree House

March 2023

For this project we were asked to build a tree house hotel in the beautiful island of Guernsey, consisting of one large tree house with four bedrooms. The tree house would be perched among the lush greenery, offering guests a secluded and tranquil experience. Each bedroom would feature modern amenities such as comfortable beds, private bathrooms, and panoramic views of the surrounding nature.

The tree house would provide guests a unique and one-of-a-kind lodging experience, perfect for nature lovers and adventure seekers visiting Guernsey. Materials were located sourced and some handcrafted, to compliment the raw and organic theme.

Services provided

Flooring and surface material selection

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Bathroom design

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Furniture selection and placement

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Call For A Consultation

Get In Touch


Concept House, Pitronnerie Road, Guernsey, GY1 2RG



01481 736 360